A centralized platform for internal microservices

We developed a centralized platform for deployment, monitoring and scaling of the company’s internal microservices.

About a project

The Client, an online startup entertainment company, had a lot of microsevises. The company needed help with the development of a centralized platform for internal microservices to deploy, monitor and scale them.

The Client needed help with unification of development standards for the microservices. Also they would like to develop a centralized platform for microservices' deployment, management, scaling, and telemetry.

To achieve these goals our team had to analyze the Client’s company ecosystem and build a platform that unified the standards and CICD practices. We developed an SDK as well as overall architecture for the microservices to build and deploy.

Client's challenges

  • The Client had 140 microservices in high-performance environment that required a unified management approach.

  • The Client wanted to build a custom microservices management platform to standardize the building and deploy methods.

  • The rewriting of the existing microservices required deep understanding of the company’s business logic.

Our solutions

First of all, our team discussed the challenges associated with the development and deployment of the microservices. We researched the business requirements and proposed a unified management architecture.

We brought our specialists to build the platform where the Client's development team could build, deploy, monitor, and scale the services. Then, we offered mulitple strategies to deploy and the ways to resolve the above difficulties.

Our team rewrote legacy services according to the new architecture. Finally, we created and developed a microservices framework for AWS.

Project details

microservices managed
time savings on new development
increased stability

Tech Stack

  • ReactJS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • JSX
  • Redux
  • SCSS
  • Styled Components
  • Webpack
  • Graph Database
  • Neo4j & OrientDB
  • Node & Express
  • RESTful microservice
  • Gateway-based approach
  • Swagger API definition
DevOps tools
  • AWS
  • Jenkins CICD
  • Groovy