Asset management system for a bank

Adapting the banking system to a newer operating system. UUUSoftware built an asset management system and a centralized asset database.

About a project

A Client, a top-tier Canadian bank, was looking for a reliable partner to perform a pre-planned operating system upgrade. UUUSoftware was happy to help with this project.

Our goal was to ensure Windows operating system upgrade for the company’s computers (laptops and desktops). We created a system to manage and schedule assets upgrade or refresh timetable for the hundreds of technicians to perform in all locations.

Our team implemented the process that required notifying the user of a given asset beforehand. As a result, every staff member knew about an upcoming software upgrade in advance. We also created a centralized database of all assets of the bank, including type, upgrade date, etc.

Client's challenges

  • The Client required a multi-role access to the system for multiple roles: those who enter data and manage the process, and for the technicians to communicate back about performed results.

  • The Client required to shape the system and adjust the flow on the go as new and new details came in about assets. They wanted to build a reporting that included all the latest changes.

Our solutions

Our team utilized the latest technologies, SPA application written in Angular, and web service at the backend, with roles-differenciation.

UUUSoftware designed the system the way it had the proper componets in it. As a result, our team managed to ensure conveniency in expansion as soon as the process requires it.

We created universal classes for the reporting and our own reporting components in Angular that knew how to sort data, display columns, export in various formats automatically - all just based on JSON description, given at the backend.

Our team cooperated with the Client for year and a half, managed about one hundred thousand assets and twenty one reports.

Project details

years of cooperation
assets managed

Tech Stack

  • ReactJS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • JSX
  • Redux
  • SCSS
  • Webpack
  • SSR
  • Swagger API
  • OpenAPI
  • Gateway
  • SSO
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • AWS
  • Graph Database
  • Neo4j & OrientDB
  • Node & Express
DevOps tools
  • AWS
  • EC2 instances
  • GitLab