Parcel delivery app

Our team developed an app for a long-distance parcel delivery.

About a project

Our Client is an ambitious startup company in the field of logistics and transportation. The company contacted UUUSoftware to have e a long distance parcel delivery app developed.

The idea was to build a parcel delivery app, where deliveries would be done by a participating crowd.

Client's challenges

  • The Client wanted us to find a development agency to build a parcel delivery app from scratch. Therefore, the Client needed to have a UX/UI design developed as well.

  • The Client needed to choose a team to architect and develop an app with scalability and high-load in mind.

  • The Client wanted the team to utilize the latest mobile tech stack and cloud infrastructure.

Our solutions

The Client wanted us to build a parcel delivery app from scratch. Therefore, we needed to develop a UX/UI design as well. UUUSoftware provided a UX/UI expert, who planned all screens in Figma, including the user flow and designed the final high-res designs.

Scalable architecture was our second task. We brought our development and devops team to build a hybrid application and backend. The team also configured the automated CICD pipelines for increased application performance.

Project details

milestones met
improvement in system performance
bigger userbase

Tech Stack

  • ReactJS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • JSX
  • Redux
  • SCSS
  • Webpack
  • SSR
  • Swagger API
  • OpenAPI
  • Gateway
  • SSO
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • AWS
  • Graph Database
  • Neo4j & OrientDB
  • Node & Express
DevOps tools
  • AWS
  • EC2 instances
  • GitLab