Physical activity application

Physical activity application for a Toronto Public Health governmental initiative. The case of robust development of the intuitive CMS system.

About a project

Toronto Public Health governmental initiative is a project that set the task to improve the health and well-being of citizens. The Client wanted to have an application to reach people of all ages, abilities, and health statuses.

Aiming to reduce the risks of chronic diseases and strengthen the overall health of citizens, the Client searched for a capable local software developer. We were amused to take part in this project and were glad to match the Client’s requirements.

The application of Toronto Public Health needed to provide citizens with ithe mperceptible ways to introduce healthy lifestyle in their daily routine. The Client planned to supply their users with physical activity services and resources for several age groups.

Client's challenges

  • The project required an experienced designer and a software developer to build a website for a new initiative.

  • The Client needed an intuitive CMS system to update and maintain the content.

  • The main requirement of the Client was to partner with a local company to participate in face-to face meetings.

Our solutions

We carefully studied all requirements, discussed the number of the pages the project needed, and developed the UX/UI design of the application.

After the design was approved by the Client, our team developed a system based on the custom CMS. It allowed editing the content specifically for text sections.

Our team streamlined the development process by participating in face-to-face meetings. The discussions helped us exchange views and make the right decisions on development and design without delay. By following the Agile methodology and Scrum approach, we provided the Client with the constant updates and received the quick feedback on them.

When we finished with the design and development, we helped our Client to deploy the website on the platform they preferred. It took us six months to design and develop the solution.

Project details

months of cooperation
roles performed (1 designer, 1 developer and 1 DevOps)
work hours provided

Tech Stack

  • ReactNative
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • JSX
  • Apple Health
  • Google Fit
  • Webpack
  • Expo
  • Swagger API
  • OpenAPI
  • Gateway
  • SSO
  • Docker
  • NodeJS
  • AWS & Linux
  • PostgreSQL
  • Master/Slave
  • PL/SQL
QA tools
  • Postman
  • SoapUI
  • Appium