7 AI-powered Business Ideas That Can Change the World

Vadim K.
Vadim K.
June 1, 202315 min read

Artificial intelligence and products like ChatGPT, Dall-E, and Midjourney have made a real revolution over the past year. It seems that we are once again seeing the birth of a technology that can dramatically change the lives of billions of people.

Two major technological revolutions have taken place over the past 30 years. The first is the rapid development of the Internet in the second half of the 90s. It has dramatically changed people's behavior. Internet users started buying goods on Amazon, spending their evenings watching Netflix, and finding answers to all their questions on Wikipedia.

The next revolution was cell phones. People got the opportunity to communicate anywhere and anytime. Social networks and messengers became widespread. Thanks to geolocation technology, services such as Uber and Lyft appeared.

Now we are witnessing the third revolution – artificial intelligence. And it is once again changing the lives of millions. Users are now able to communicate with computers in human language. Systems have begun to understand our requests better, and algorithms are adapting to the context of the conversation. Many jobs may soon lose their relevance. At the same time, many organizations will use artificial intelligence to make life easier for millions of customers. Just like Amazon made shopping easier or Whatsapp made communication easier. And these new companies have a great chance of being worth billions of dollars. And there’s no doubt that in the coming years, we will see many more new ideas for applying AI.

In this article, we will focus on examples of AI applications today. We will look at several potential business concepts that anyone can implement using artificial intelligence.

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Avatars generator

The most impressive aspect of OpenAI is not the ChatGPT window itself but the service's API. With its help, developers can access ChatGPT data and create their own applications. In other words, anyone can incorporate ChatGPT into their own software and then develop their customized user interface.

A vivid example of how artificial intelligence can be used is the Lensa app. It allows users to create artistic copies of their own faces. The most intriguing aspect of Lensa is that the service uses the Stable Diffusion engine, which is actually free. However, Lensa developers were able to charge $10 from users by developing a user-friendly interface on top of AI queries.

How does the app work? After users download the app, they select 10 images with their faces in the phone's gallery. After analyzing the photos, the app can generate a hundred artistic avatars. For this, the user will have to pay $10.


Why do people pay $10 when they can do it for free on Stable Diffusion?

The answer is simple: convenience. In business, you make money by providing value to your customers. And they pay you for it. You can create value simply by organizing information and finding new uses for known technologies. Some people are unaware of the full potential of artificial intelligence. Others simply don't want to spend their time learning new things and are willing to pay for simplicity.

Despite the fact that avatar generation can be done for free with Stable Diffusion, Prisma (the owner of Lensa) leveraged these principles and added a new product called Magic Avatar to its app. The simplicity and users’ lack of awareness about all the possibilities of artificial intelligence allowed the developers to monetize Magic Avatar and ask  $10 for the service.

AI copywriting

Copywriting services are another example of the use of artificial intelligence. Every month, more and more projects offer their clients texts generated by engines. Among the most popular are CopyAI, Jasper, Rytr, and Wordtune.

Now customers don't have to look for experienced writers, explain the task, and negotiate the price. All they need to do is to go to CopyAI or another similar service, choose the preferable style, enter the prompt, and click submit.

CopyAI interface

With the help of AI copywriting, customers can make unique descriptions for their products, create posts for Facebook or Twitter, and even write extensive articles for a corporate blog.

It is worth mentioning that despite the high popularity of AI copywriting, it should not be treated as a tool that will do absolutely everything for you. Generated articles may contain inaccuracies or outdated information. Therefore, it is necessary to check each piece of text carefully to avoid mistakes.

Search engines are now also actively used to identify content written by robots. And according to many marketers, such articles receive fewer visits compared to materials written by human authors.

If you plan to create your own AI copywriting service, you should consider how fast this business segment has grown. It has been a year since ChatGPT was launched. Even now, the competition is extreme. Therefore, it may be worth choosing a micro-SaaS strategy before launching. Don't try to make another direct copy of OpenAI or Rytr. Instead, it can be text-generating software for only one specific task. For example, texts for Twitter. So, you can offer your customers a service that is already trained for short messages and intense discussions.

AI landing page generator

If you prefer graphics to text, the following business idea should be right up your alley. You may have already heard about Midjourney. It is another artificial intelligence engine for creating graphics. But did you know that you can create not only surreal images for personal use but even generate designs for websites?

For example, a query:UI design of education platform which use video, Landing page, Minimalistic, Plain white background, Trending majenta and white color palette on dribble, high resolution.

AI landing

By typing this prompt into the Discord window of the Midjourney chat, you'll get four versions of the website design in seconds. Sure, for the perfect results, you'll probably need to adjust your prompts, add more specifics, and change the algorithm settings. However, it still significantly speeds up the time required to create a unique design.

The idea of an AI landing page generator was used by Sitekick developers. Here, users can enter a name and description for the website they wish to develop, and the service generates a test version for the main page. By adding new blocks (reviews, description) through the builder, users can generate all the text they need for their site in a matter of time.

The main difference between Sitekick and Midjourney's design generator is that Sitekick offers automatic text writing and does not work with graphics.

However, this may be your new million-dollar business idea. Combine automatic text writing with the OpenAI API with design generation in Midjourney. This is undoubtedly not an easy task, primarily because of the rather abstract images that Midjourney sometimes produces. However, according to the developers, the next version of the algorithm works much better and produces a result that is indistinguishable from the one created by a human in 95% of cases.

Review and complaint analysis

Artificial intelligence understands not only keywords but can also analyze the context of what is written. This allows developers to launch feedback and suggestion platforms based on ChatGPT. This is how the Ukrainian railroad carrier Ukrzaliznytsia replaced employees who processed customer complaints with artificial intelligence.

"During one day, we receive an average of 1300 travel ratings from passengers through the app. Approximately 300 of them are text reviews that relate directly to the work of the railroad. We used to process each such feedback manually – now this work is done by ChatGPT." - Ukrzaliznytsia press service.

The company said that artificial intelligence automatically categorizes passenger requests by 21 topics, from "quality of service" to "delays," after which they are loaded into an analytics system that allows the company to track the dynamics of complaints for specific trains and routes by day, week, and month.

This allows the company to speed up the feedback analysis and identify the most problematic areas. According to the company's management, ChatGPT correctly identifies the complaint category in 90% of cases.

Currently, services that process customer requests with the help of artificial intelligence are not widely used, but the trend is still quite strong. Therefore, this idea should not be dismissed.

Automated To-Do list

The next idea came from Shaan Puri, co-host of The First Million podcast. It is an automated to-do list. Usually, to-do lists consist of your tasks for the day, week, or month. And the most challenging part of them is the execution. AI To-Do lists do all the work for you.

Imagine a broken sink faucet in your kitchen. You add the task "repair the faucet tomorrow" to the list. After submitting the request, the algorithm analyzes its content and asks you to contact a plumber in your area. Moreover, it prioritizes the available executors by Yelp rating. After that, it calls the specialist, describes the problem, and asks for a price.

ChatGPT already knows how to conduct a dialog that is hard to distinguish from a real person. There are also services on the market that allow bots to call and chat via phone.

As a result, in case you face a broken faucet problem, your virtual assistant will contact the plumber, ask for a price, a suitable time, and whether it can pay from your card after the work is completed. All you have to do is click the "OK" button.

Does this idea sound too futuristic? Even 10 years ago, no one believed that in 2023 cars would be able to drive thousands of miles on autopilot.

AI and dating

Search engines such as Google or Bing analyze keywords to find the information a user needs. ChatGPT, on the other hand, can understand not only keywords but also the meaning of what is said. Thanks to this, artificial intelligence can assign and memorize this "meaning" to any text.

Thus, having gained access, for example, to the user's correspondence on a dating service, algorithms can create their full portrait. It can determine what they like to have relationships with, what kind of people they like to chat with, and what type of person they don't communicate with.

Try to imagine two points in three-dimensional space. These points have coordinates. Thanks to simple math, we can always measure the distance between these points and connect them with a line.

Social graph

Now imagine that you can become this point in a multidimensional world. Only your parameters will not be your location in space, but thousands of assigned "meanings." Each of which will be determined by the engine after analyzing your messages.

Thus, dating services will not require users to fill out their profiles and indicate who they are looking for. Artificial intelligence, having access to billions of "senses," will be able to independently calculate what type of person is best suited for the user.

As if connecting two points in three-dimensional space, algorithms will be able to scan billions of parameters to find the two people who are most closely matched.

Social graph based on one specific character trait

There is no doubt that the realization of such an idea requires enormous investments both in terms of time and money. The idea itself is somewhat reminiscent of social graph evolution. With the rise of social media, this term has become especially widely used. Websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter made it easy to build visual connections by analyzing friendships between users. They are now able to easily determine who is a user’s first-level friend and who is a second-level contact.

AI analysis of user messages brings us to one more dimension. One user is a point. Their network of connections is a two-dimensional space. Thousands of parameters of each user are a three-dimensional world. The connections are no longer flat.

AI and adult entertainment

It is not a secret that adult websites are among the most visited portals on the Internet. Hundreds of millions of daily views have turned the 18+ movie industry into a multi-billion dollar market. And the competition for a share in this market is forcing companies to implement new technologies.

A few years ago, virtual reality technology became one of these new user experiences. Today, it has become a popular category that has gained its fans.

Nowadays, AI-based technologies have every chance to replicate the success of VR. Here are just some of the most promising areas:

  • Text-to-video. Today, users are forced to browse dozens of videos and categories to find the content they want. Websites try to guess these desires by developing recommendation algorithms and studying user behavior. If it becomes widespread, text-to-video technology could change the entire industry. Users won't have to search for the content they want. Instead, it will be enough to describe their fantasy in words.
  • Chats with virtual models. Chatting with an adult model is an entirely distinct category of entertainment. It can be either one-on-one or an 18+ conversation in a public room. The weak point of this business strategy is poor scaling. An increase in a model's popularity leads to an increase in the number of users who want personal communication with them. In turn, the model is forced to raise prices or reject some customers. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to create a virtual twin that can engage in dialogues with thousands of users simultaneously.


Artificial intelligence has every chance to change the life of our planet. And we may not yet know all the possibilities it will bring us. But there is no doubt that today we are at the starting point where the history of many billion-dollar corporations will begin.

If you have an idea for a new AI-related business but need developers to implement it, don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to give you advice and answer all your questions.

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