Radio on the go: the development of a mobile app for FM stations

Never miss a beat with our cutting-edge radio broadcasting app!

We partnered with a top Canadian digital media provider to bring the future of radio to life with a state-of-the-art radio broadcasting app. With its seamless integration across all 38 FM stations in Canada and Toronto, this mobile app is revolutionizing the way we listen to radio. Experience music streaming, audio recording, and social platform integrations, all wrapped up in an easy-to-use package.

About the project

The Client set an enthusiastic goal to have a digital marketing mobile platform built specifically for radio. UUUSoftware was glad to help with its development and implementation.

Our Client is a leading Canadian digital media provider. The request was to develop a mobile app that goes live on all 38 FM stations across Canada and in Toronto. Our team of seven developers helped the client build a hybrid mobile app for iPhone and Android for radio FM stations.

The mobile application we aimed to develop needed to have capabilities for music stream playback, audio recording, conversion to mp3, and social platform integrations.

  • 38

    FM stations used by the app

  • >70k

    Regular users

  • 4.3 hours

    average daily time spent in app

  • 16

    Ads partnerships


Client's challenges

  • The Client needed the development experts to ensure the mobile application integrates seamlessly with the company's existing systems, their radio broadcasting software, and backend databases.

  • The goal was to develop a flexible platform that could be tailored and customized to suit the branding and configuration needs of various radio stations.

  • Our client was faced with the challenge of efficiently handling the vast amount of data generated in their operations. To make the most of this information and drive business results, a thorough and strategic approach was needed to process the data effectively.

  • The lack of a universally supported audio format across both Android and iPhone platforms posed a significant obstacle for our Client.

Tech Stack


  • ReactJS

  • JavaScript

  • TypeScript

  • JSX

  • Redux

  • SCSS

  • Webpack

  • SSR



  • Swagger API

  • OpenAPI

  • Gateway

  • SSO

  • Docker

  • Kubernetes

  • AWS


  • Graph Database

  • Neo4j & OrientDB

  • Node & Express

DevOps tools

  • AWS

  • EC2 instances

  • GitLab

Project details

UUUSoftware is proud to have been a part of the development journey of a leading Canadian digital media provider's radio broadcasting mobile app. Our team of seven expert software developers took on the challenge of bringing the client's vision to life, delivering a cutting-edge solution that features:

  • Music stream playback, allowing listeners to enjoy their favorite tunes on-the-go.

  • Audio recording, enabling users to capture and share their own audio content.

  • MP3 conversion, providing listeners with a high-quality audio experience.

  • Social platform integrations, offering listeners the ability to connect and engage with others through their favorite social media channels.

  • Customization, allowing the platform to be tailored and branded for multiple radio stations.

  • Scalable data processing, leveraging the power of AWS to effectively manage and utilize copious amounts of data generated from operations.

  • Platform compatibility, supporting both Android and iOS devices.

With over 100 million visitors per year and stable high profit, it's clear that the solution we helped develop has been a huge success. UUUSoftware is honored to have been a part of this project and to have contributed to the client's success.


months of cooperation


software developers


unique features in the radio industry


work hours

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